Saturday, January 16, 2010

On the Table.

A list of prospective topics for discussion at the JCRC's next Current Events lunch.
(Check back for on-going revisions)

The next current events lunch will be scheduled for mid-February 2010
Location: A-Dong Restaurant Time: noon.   rsvp to reserve your seat around the table.

1. Iran

2.  Current Topics:  Turkey and Israel;


3. Assessing Obama's first year with regard to foreign policy.

4. Intra-Palestinian/ Arab disputes

5.  Radical Islamism

6.  Media coverage of Israel

7.  The U.N.

8.  Religious animus towards Israel

9.  Steps toward negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority

For news of pertinence to the above topics, read the JCRC InfoBlog, online at and at